To do or not.
For as long as I can remember, my motivation has ebbed and flowed, often leaving me frustrated and disappointed when I ultimately give up on goals or activities. The constant cycle of enthusiasm followed by self-criticism has been a barrier to living my best life. In my search for a way to break free from this emotional roller coaster, I discovered a podcast that transformed my mindset. It introduced me to the idea of approaching each day with awareness and the empowering realization that I have control over my mind.
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After listening to this life-changing podcast, I gained several key insights that have reshaped how I approach each day:
1. **Understand How Your Mind Works**
It's essential to recognize that your mind is constantly at work, processing emotions, desires, and fears. By understanding these processes, you can start to take control rather than letting your mind control you.
2. **Focus on the Action, Not the Outcome**
Instead of obsessing over results, I’ve learned to direct my energy towards the actions I take. This shift in focus has made the journey itself more fulfilling and reduced the pressure of achieving specific outcomes.
3. **Divorce Your Mind from the Difficulty or Pleasure of the Action**
Whether an action feels easy or hard, pleasurable or painful, I’ve found that detaching my mind from these judgments allows me to stay consistent and avoid getting caught up in emotional highs and lows.
4. **Vent Obstacles from Your Mind**
Whenever obstacles arise, instead of letting them fester in my mind, I address them head-on or find ways to release them. This helps to clear mental space and maintain focus on what truly matters.
5. **Don’t Obsess About Fixing Things**
Perfectionism can be paralyzing. I’ve realized that not everything needs to be fixed or perfected immediately. Sometimes, it's okay to let things be and focus on progress rather than perfection.
6. **Live in the Moment**
Being present in the here and now has been a game-changer. It keeps me grounded and helps me appreciate the process of life, rather than constantly worrying about the past or future.
7. **Avoid Framing Yourself Through Media Images**
Lastly, I’ve become more mindful of how media can distort self-image. Comparing myself to curated images and narratives can lead to unnecessary dissatisfaction. I’m …
Free to be my best
June Duck, MD